Wednesday, June 15, 2005

24: Season 4, Episode 12: Day 4: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Review

Day 4: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Original Airdate: March 7, 2005
Writers: Howard Gordon & Evan Katz
Director: Jon Cassar

After some consistently entertaining episodes, 24 slips with this one, and the resulting arc too. The sense of urgency isn't there. CTU is so desperate to find Marwan, but he spends most of the hour not doing anything. What happens next isn't worrying Marwan, but rather he's approaching it at a leisurely pace. If he's not deeply concerned, why should we be? Instead we get the villains from arms dealer McLennan-Forester, who come off more as inconsistent.

Edgar finds some more information about Marwan. He worked for McLennan-Forester, the company that created the override. This information helps clarify how Marwan would know about the override being on the train and how it works. Jack decides to head over, having Curtis take Paul and Audrey back to CTU. However, Paul knows their computer system since he made it for them. He volunteers to go with Jack, who accepts. Now we're in a situation where Jack and Paul have to work together. It's going to be awkward.

Driscoll is devastated following her daughter's death. Sarah finds out and Edgar wonders how Maya would be able to kill herself. This is something they threw in if they needed a storyline later because it is never brought up again. There is no need to add mystery to this. Whether Maya killed herself due to negligence or the CTU staff killed her is never brought up again, which makes this loose thread unnecessary and frustrating.

It also distracts Driscoll from her work. Though she says that she is too valuable for the investigation, she can't focus on locating Marwan. She's quiet when the president calls and she spaces out when Tony asks to relocate agents to finding Marwan's cells. Sarah wants Driscoll out, but Edgar asks to be easy on her considering Maya died ten minutes ago. He's the most suitable character to bring up sympathy, but they don't say why since it's clear to viewer.

They surmise that Marwan has been planning this attack since coming to America. His job at McLennan-Forester was used to recruit others. Jack demands a tight perimeter around the building, but Marwan manages to get out of the building and board a bus rather easily. While on the bus he sees a mother and child and smiles. This feels incomplete without the accompanying scene where he says goodbye to his family. It was cut.

As they head to McLennan-Forester, Jack calls Audrey. She asks that he take care of Paul for her. He agrees, and luckily they don't reiterate a hundred times that Jack just tortured Paul. Paul tells him that he isn't angry, but he doesn't want to let go of Audrey, even though it's clear that she's made her decision. The writers and James Frain (the actor) had to be careful in their portrayal to make this guy just proud and not a possessive, abusive jerk. I think they handled it well. I feel sorry for Paul.

Tony, Heller and Driscoll get together in her office to discuss what Marwan is going to do next. One thing they never discuss is the possibility that Marwan could leave LA. Previously, the terrorists on 24 only had one goal over a day. However, it would be anticlimactic if the big bad left only eleven hours in the episode.

Driscoll faints, prompting Tony and Heller to come to her aid. A medic comes and escorts her to get some food. Her absence prompts Heller to seriously discuss replacing her. Since Tony has the experience (though many nit-pick that he has three years experience, not two), he'd be best to head CTU, even if it is temporarily. Heller agrees, but still insists on contacting District for a permanent replacement. It's a little early to talk about a permanent replacement. Isn't it? Driscoll can't work now, but she may be fine in a few days. They could've said "official" or maybe I'm pushing the syntax too much. Of course, everyone knows who the new replacement will be.

At McLennan-Forester, Mr. McLennan learns about the current situation from another executive. I found this scene interesting considering the differences between the two men. McLennan wants to come forward, but the other man doesn't out of fear that the PR will ruin their company. This situation could be applied to many conversations Sherry and David had regarding cover-ups. McLennan is more honorable, but is a pushover unlike David. He lets the other man and Conlon, head of security "take care of it". In classic tradition, the crime doesn't get you; it's the cover.

Heller finds Driscoll and comforts her. He knows about loss. When his wife died, he ignored his grief until long afterward. He doesn't want her to do the same. She should go home and grieve. He convinces her to leave and hand the power over to Tony. For a sub par storyline, this resolution wasn't bad. However, it does raise the question about the purpose Driscoll's character had. Her character didn't do much aside from serve as a reason to get Jack back in CTU. She may have been tough, but she hardly compares to Mason or Chappelle. It would've been better had they just kept Michelle around and had her be the boss.

Jack grows wary when Conlon tells him that McLennan is busy at a meeting. They lead them to his office, where they watch from another room. Though he can access Marwan's computer and erase the incriminating evidence, Paul's knowledge of the system alarms Conlon. They prepare for drastic measures to prevent Jack and Paul discovering anything incriminating. In their building, they have prepared an EMP bomb; a non-lethal weapon destroys all electronic equipment. Though it will destroy their hardware, they figure it's better than ruining their business.

Curtis isn't happy about Tony getting the job over him, and he has reason. Tony doesn't even work there officially. When Tony tells Edgar that he wants to be his go to guy, Curtis tries to get Edgar to go his way. Tony makes peace by emphasizing the temporary aspect of the position and his stance to get out of there when the crisis is over.

It's funny how they are working so hard to find Marwan, but when we see him, he is idling away in the open. He's waiting for a man, who updates him about their upcoming attack. The men at the Air Force base are ready. Marwan tells him a name of someone who will get him out of the country. When he asks what Marwan will do, Marwan is silent, implying that he doesn't intend on living through it. Unfortunately, the future attack is so specific that the vague hints now aren't enough.

McLennan and his cronies continue worrying as Paul proves his expertise in the software. They decide to prepare the EMP for detonation, planning to blame it on Marwan. Conlon contacts the guard in the EMP room, who initiates the detonation sequence. As it charges, the electricity flickers and phone lines are down. However, the AIM was working fine. Now this just came off as stupid. Tony and Jack message each other about the situation (unfortunately devoid of emoticons and smileys). Jack realizes that McLennan-Forester is on to them, and discovers the EMP. Tony finds where the EMP is in the building.

Paul prints some encrypted evidence, which causes Conlon to rush to the room. Jack runs to the EMP room, hoping that he'll be able to stop it. Conlon comes in and nonchalantly asks what he was printing. Paul says he can check it out himself Paul is craftier than we thought, replacing the hard copy with blank pages and running for the door. He manages to hide in an empty room.

Jack beats up a few guards and makes it to the EMP room. Unfortunately, nothing he does stops the bomb. In a last ditch effort, he tries to stop the door by himself, screaming as if he'll absorb the energy given off by the bomb. Everything goes dark. Jack tries to find the entrance, which Paul has, but Conlon arrives there simultaneously.

CTU receives word of the EMP's detonation and tries to figure out what to do. One of the helicopters crashed, and needs help. Tony talks to Heller about the EMP, at which Tony thanks him for his work. The replacement from division has arrived, and Heller would like Tony to stay to help ease the transition. Can you guess who it is? Can you? It's none other than now straight haired Michelle. No one gasps in surprise.

The first episode in this new arc fails to capitalize on the suspense of the prior episode. What was a promising cliffhanger of Marwan impersonating a CTU agent fizzles in the first act, as Marwan gets away rather easily. Little is accomplished in this episode aside from shifting the deadweight that is Driscoll's character and bringing Michelle back in the fold.

Score: 5/10


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