Friday, June 10, 2005

24: Season 4, Episode 8: Day 4: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Review

Day 4: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Original Airdate: February 7, 2005
Writer: Stephen Kronish & Peter M. Lenkov (Teleplay), Matt Michnovetz (Story)
Director: Ken Girotti

This episode focuses on addressing the problems and situations laid out from the last two episodes further. It is essentially Tony's episode, detailing the nadir he has sunken into and his reluctant start on the road to redemption. The action in the episode is a little slow, and could've benefited from more characterization in the non-Tony storylines, but his storyline in this episode makes up for the shortcomings.

Knowing that six reactors are facing meltdown, Keeler decides to order evacuations for the six effected cities. Despite this, there will be no way to evacuate these cities before the first meltdown is expected. Of course, if there was, it would be an easy solution. Finding the override is the only way they can save the most amount of lives. This way, they can deal realistically with the problem, but still deprive CTU of breathing room.

Jack contacts Heller, informing him that CTU has been compromised. He recommends that they issue some bogus information to trick the mole into revealing themselves. Heller tells his assistant to inform Driscoll that Jack is being sent to another CTU location. Then they put a DOD net over CTU security to locate where the leak is. Although he knows Driscoll won't be happy, this is the most effective way of finding the mole.

Tony's return following the events of last season certainly raise questions that need immediate answers. It was easy to forgive that in the last episode because his return was meant to be a quick shock at the end. Now that they are safely away, Tony reveals what has happened to him since he was arrested. Jack and Palmer made good on their deal and got him out of jail, but he still served time. Michelle left him too.

Marwan heads to the override to oversee its deployment directly. Navi tells him that by the end of the day his wife and son will die. Meanwhile, Behrooz and Dina find themselves in a tough situation. Her gunshot wound needs medical attention, but that would alert the authorities and Navi to their location. She requests that he dump her at a hospital then drive away, but Behrooz loves his mother too much to abandon her. Considering what she has been through in the last hour, she is all Behrooz has now.

Marianne calls Powell, who informs her that Jack is still alive. Since he hasn't contacted CTU, he must know about the leak. Therefore, her cover is at risk of being blown. Powell advises Marianne, in the secluded CTU Women's Room of Doom, to stay there regardless. Leaving would only raise suspicion. Just then, Sarah finds her in the bathroom and orders her to get back to work. At this moment, Marianne knows to whom she'll divert suspicion.

Jack, Audrey and Tony arrive at his house. Tony tells them that he can use his computer to identify the person then leave. Showing us how far Tony has fallen makes what he said earlier tangible. He now lives in a crappy house with a literally crappy lawn. His rebound from Michelle, Jenn, looks like what Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction would look like if she kept her wild lifestyle for another ten years. They fight all the time and she makes him feel worthless. She gets mad that Jack is keeping her there when she has to be at work. Audrey appeals to her enough to keep her there. Tony now has a drinking problem and has been out of work since CTU fired him. Michelle, however, is now working at Division.

Heller's assistant plants the information and Marianne grabs it. However, she covered her tracks. When CTU discovers the leak, the vague dialogue leaves room for the twist to occur. In a great example of office revenge, they arrest Sarah, not Marianne. So remember, always be nice to your co-workers, because you never know who may be committing treason. Edgar, however, doubt that Sarah was the mole because the message Marianne sent was obviously placed and poorly encrypted.

Regardless, Sarah's chained up in the interrogation room and her neck is tasered. Driscoll believes she can break her, but only if she is actually guilty. Sarah doesn't fit the profile of someone who would snitch. Wouldn't such information be considered before putting a taser on someone's neck? Now they have given all of Sarah's information to Marianne. Luckily, Jack knew to have Secret Service pick up Audrey instead of CTU.

While Jack has the picture of the man Audrey saw analyzed, he decides to talk to Tony, zoning out with the soccer game and beer from his beloved Cubs mug. He asks why he didn't call him for help. Tony says he didn't want to be involved with anything that would bring those bad memories back to him. Helping Jack was only to repay the debt he owed Jack for getting him out of prison. We know that this isn't going to last. Tony is mad, but there is still a part of him that wants to help. Tony's story throughout this season is one of redemption.

Dina and Behrooz get to a hospital, insisting that a nail caused the wound and not a bullet. Behrooz watches the doctor leave, telling his mother that they haven't called the police. Believing that they're safe, they start discussing what they will do afterward. However, they hit a snag when the police do come, but the police are slow enough to allow them to escape. While the Araz storyline has been one of the most consistent of this season, this episode feels like filler to keep Dina and Behrooz from meeting CTU until the next hour.

Jack finds out that the man Audrey recognized was Henry Powell, a former employee of McLennan-Forester. He's set to take off via helicopter shortly. Jack sets off alone to stop him, but before he can do it, Tony pulls himself into the fray. He claims that he doesn't want Jack to die within an hour of Tony saving his life, but we know the full reason is that he wants to return, if only to redeem himself for the past.

From what we've seen, CTU could be downsized to Jack, Edgar and Chloe and they probably wouldn't be affected. Believing that Sarah is innocent, he sets his own trap for Marianne. He bumps up her security clearance, but monitors what she's doing from his own system. There he discovers the message Marianne tried to pin on Sarah. Marianne wants to talk to him in private, but Edgar knows that she'll likely kill him if they got alone. With Curtis accompanying him, Edgar tells Driscoll that Marianne is the dirty agent. She is on her way out of the building. Curtis and a few agents chase her. Thankfully, she doesn't drop her keys in the cliched way to give the pursuer time to catch them. Curtis places her under arrest. When an agent unlocks her car to check for evidence, it explodes, sending her falling into another car, knocking her out.

Powell arrives at the helicopter pad. The pilot refuses to fly because he has been given an order to keep it grounded, but Powell coerces him to move. Before they can get airborne, Jack and Tony sneak up on them and place Powell in custody. It's great to see Tony and Jack in the field on much better circumstances than season three. Tony's line "I'm currently unemployed" was classic. Certainly took Powell down a peg to see who brought him down. He tries to make Tony an offer, but they don't listen. Suddenly, a nearby sniper guns down Powell. Jack is without leads again.

It's great to see Tony back. While I don't like seeing him live such a terrible existence, it makes for great drama, and sets up the redemption arc for the season. Some of the main storylines appear to be winding down, as Behrooz and Dina have a filler plot this week. Edgar shines again, scoring one for the geeks by unearthing Marianne's secret. Sarah's torture looks like something they did merely for shock value. Tony's storyline is what makes this episode work, and is a satisfying beginning to his arc.

Score: 7/10


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