Lost: Season 3, Episode 22 & 23 Review: Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass
Original Airdate: May 23, 2007
Writers: Damon Lindelof and
Director: Jack Bender
With the theme of The Others this season, it would’ve been likelier to have Ben or Juliet as the focus of the flashbacks, fleshing out unanswered questions we’ve had about The Others. Considering Jack’s last flashback was the weakest episode of the season, it may be expected to go into this episode with some skepticism or confusion regarding their choice. However, weeks before this episode aired, Cuse and Lindelof made a deal with ABC to set a definitive end date for the series. This unusual move allows them to plan a proper end of the show rather than prolonging it as “The X-Files” did. With 48 episodes left, it was time to set up the next phase in the story, where things start to move towards the climax. Throwing in a major game changer like the final twist is such a dramatic gesture. It’s appropriate that Jack, who for all intents and purposes is the main character, be the one explored at this pivotal time in the series.
The twist’s fitting because the way events played out, this almost could’ve been a series finale. The tensions between the castaways and The Others come to a head as three seasons worth of storylines and character development culminate in explosive battles and major resolutions. Considering the unanswered questions remaining, something had to change to keep the story fresh. If they didn’t know how much longer they had to keep the show going, perhaps the new element wouldn’t have been introduced, but instead held off for longer than it should. Just when we think we know where the show is going, they throw a major curve ball no one saw coming.
Matthew Fox has a lot to work with in this episode. He plays everything from suicidal depression to victorious euphoria so well. Typically the acting praise glory goes to Terry O’Quinn and Michael Emerson, or an impressive newcomer like Elizabeth Mitchell (well deserved in all three cases). However, Fox steps up and delivers his best work on the show so far, and thankfully it’s been recognized (not by the stupid Emmys though).
Jack’s defining characteristic is his messiah complex. He must suffer to save or to fix everyone he meets. It’s what drives him to suicidal depression when he reads the mysterious clipping, as well as what snaps him out of it when the woman crashed her car with her son inside as well. Then it gets worse when he sees the extent of damage she suffered because, as he later learns, he distracted her. This comes in contrast to the present situation, where Jack is in control, leading his people, as Naomi points out, like Moses. His focus as leader has never been sharper as the goal couldn’t be clearer
With Karl’s warning forcing the castaways to rework their plan on the beach, failure seemed inevitable for the survivors hoping to kill or capture The Others invading the beach. There are further hints of dooming the castaways, with Jin saying (in English) that they needed to go home, or the light hearted reminder Rose gave Bernard that he “is not Rambo”. Ultimately this is proven true, although they do take seven down before getting captured. Of course the other castaways don’t know that, and panic starts to arise. Jack manages to get everyone to stick with the original plan without saying “live together, die alone”, which Rose awesomely warns warrants a punch in the face.
I would’ve liked to seen more about Juliet’s perspective on what happened. While she turned against The Others, she was still one of them for three years and had grown close to at least some of them. Because she turned, many of them are dead. Juliet’s loyalties will be one to watch when the freighter arrives. She aligns herself with whoever can get her off the island to see her sister, or at least whoever can help her sister when she was sick. If many of the castaways side with the philosophy that the people on the freighter are bad, maybe she’ll betray the castaways in favor of getting home.
There are a few moments that twist the romantic quadrangle. Juliet and Jack have formed a romance, which is hardly a surprise. Why none of the castaways who’ve questioned his judgment have brought it up before is still unclear. Then he admits to Kate that he loves her. As he did in “I Do”, Jack is willing to let Kate be with someone else who makes her happy (having someone himself makes that easier). One thing of note is that Jack’s confession appears in the second part when it aired and on its downloadable counterpart, but was changed for the DVD (which stupidly split the episode in two unlike “Exodus II & III” and “Live Together, Die Alone”).
Sawyer’s emotional state since killing the man he blamed for ruining his life wasn’t explored coming in, but this episode fully delves into Sawyer’s darkness. Revenge negated all the progress he made. Going back to the beach for Jin, Bernard and Sayid is more of a death wish than a heroic gesture, even mocking those who want to help. The two most obvious examples are Kate and Hurley. Sawyer’s distancing Kate (ironically by not nicknaming her). Rejecting Hurley just adds to what happened in the last episode, only Sawyer did this to make Hurley feel as bad as he did. The exception is Juliet, who is the only person who could get Jack to allow them to go.
Following up on the cliffhanger, the two women in The Looking Glass (Greta and Bonnie) are The Others helping Ben jam all signals coming from the island. One would imagine if they had more time they would’ve been further explored as tools in Ben’s operation. There is something in the good cop (Greta) and bad cop (Bonnie) that would’ve been nice to see more of, especially since the two are played by recognizable guest TV actors.
Believing his death imminent, Charlie faces them fearlessly, which clearly doesn’t work for Bonnie. Considering all the upper hands The Others have had against the castaways, it’s refreshing to see them frustrated. Charlie isn’t afraid to die anymore, so The Others have no leverage.
The Others’ mission to “The Temple” sounds intriguing, but may be just a way to rewrite around real life conflicts. Nestor Carbonell, who plays Richard Alpert, took a job on another show. Since no other prominent Others are going with him, it’s the best way to get him out of the story without killing him off, since his story is yet to be told. There’s no way the fans would let them get away with revealing that Richard hasn’t aged a day in at least a quarter century without an eventual answer. It’ll be best to be patient to see how this ends.
Ben offers some insight into the secretive nature of The Others’ society. It makes sense that they are out to protect the island from most outsiders and that those on the freighter pose the greatest threat to the island. This explains a good amount of the antagonism they’ve had towards the castaways, their conflict with the Dharma Initiative and why Ben is deathly afraid of Naomi and the castaways making contact with the outside world. The castaways didn’t have a choice in their arrival, so The Others took select ones and made what they could out of it. However, the freighter is a whole different beast in that they’re actively looking for it. This island has many special things, but why The Others need, or feel the need, to “protect” it has yet to be explained.
Ben’s secrecy regarding many of his duplicitous activities shows his desire to assert his power, but actually the episode shows how he is losing power dramatically and is clinging to whatever he had left. This has been so since he found out he was sick. On an island that miraculously heals a person’s paralysis, sterility or cancer, that the person who supposedly had a close communion with the island would be exempt is enough to get people wondering whether their leader is a false prophet.
Since “The Man From Tallahassee”, Locke has been challenging Ben’s status as leader. Locke gained celebrity among the Others for his miraculous recovery from paralysis in contrast to Ben’s sickness. Ben knew the threat was real when Jacob communicated with Locke, so he shot Locke and left him for dead. With Ben having lost his status and The Others’ muscle decimated, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine Jacob using Walt to help Locke protect the island from the threat of those preparing to arrive.
Alternatively, the other major presence of visions on the island has been a by product of The Monster. This could mean several different things. The Monster could be operating with a different agenda than Jacob, or maybe they are the same entity, or The Monster is a “pet” of Jacob’s. Jacob doesn’t appear to be able to actively influence things, so he has people like Ben do his bidding or maybe will use The Monster as his muscle. If the Monster is really a security system as Rousseau describes it, then it should be interesting to see how it reacts to the freighter.
Early in the season, Boone arrived in a vision to help Locke get back on track. As he contemplates ending his life, it makes sense for another vision to talk him off the ledge. It all goes back to the people he tried to connect to the island back in the first season. Malcolm David Kelly clearly is in the midst of puberty and that can’t be hidden anymore no matter how they shoot it. Regardless of that, or the usability of a gun that has been exposed to a tropical environment for years, this scene effectively raises the stakes for the second part. With all that’s going on, Locke is now another x factor.
Having Walt appear again could be a sign of things to come. Producers made no attempt to hide the fact that Michael would be returning as a lead character in season four, (the producers of “24” did something similar with the promotional material for their seventh season). Perhaps Walt and Michael, after being shipped away in the second season finale, encountered the freighter, and may have told them of the island’s existence. It’s unlikely Kelly will be featured much because of his growth spurt, but the device at the end of the two parter could allow them to bring Walt back into the story, which is important considering how much they emphasized his role in the first two seasons.
Part 2
It seemed as if Charlie would escape death, with Greta & Bonnie dead and Mikhail playing possum, but that false sense of security with Desmond not having any flashes was only setting us up for the inevitable fall when Mikhail comes back for one more shot, assuming he hasn’t blown up (really the only way I’ll be convinced he’s dead is if they behead him and burn the body). Perhaps it is appropriate that the seemingly unstoppable figure of Mikhail would kill Charlie, as “Flashes Before Your Eyes” explored the inevitability of certain events.
Some have questioned whether Charlie needed to die, and that his sacrifice in the end is somewhat negated by the twist. It feels right that he goes: he conquered his demons. Aside from one, Desmond’s flashes of Charlie had him dying doing something noble. What better way to go than to dismantle the blocking signal, while warning Desmond that Naomi is lying? In the end Charlie gets a moving send-off, with that gorgeous, recurring “Life & Death” theme.
One has to admire Ben’s confidence. Despite the fact that Jack and company have no reason to trust anything he says and the antagonism that goes with all the stuff The Others have done to the castaways, he still thinks that he can talk Jack out of doing what he is dead set on doing. Of course, having Jin, Bernard and Sayid hostage when they meet is an important bargaining chip.
While Jack wants to spare the three, his leadership is focused on getting the survivors off the island, despite his nature to want to save everyone. That explodes when he believes the three were executed on the beach. Ben gets a beat down many believe he’s had coming for a long time. After that beating, humiliation, and later knowledge that Richard is the only Other (besides Jacob) not dead, deflected or captured, it leaves Ben at his lowest. One should wonder how that’ll change when the freighter arrives and he’s confirmed right.
This episode serves as the culmination for many stories that have been building up since the first season. Another one is Rousseau’s reunion with Alex. This was set up in the eighth episode. Rousseau’s ice breaker, asking if Alex wanted to tie up Ben together, has to be one of the best said between an estranged mother and daughter.
Rousseau had made it clear to Jack that she wouldn’t be leaving the island, which makes sense for her character. She’d likely be institutionalized. However, what does that mean for Alex? One would assume she’d want to go to the mainland and see the rest of the world and maybe have a normal relationship with Karl. However, after seeing the mother she believed her whole life to be dead she may want to stay.
Hurley provides one of the most satisfying moments in the episode, saving the day for the castaways on the beach by plowing through the beach (and Pryce) in the Dharma van. With “Tricia Tanaka Is Dead”, Hurley had a minor victory after all the bad stuff he’s been through thanks to the van. Now the van makes him a hero. As much as we don’t like to see Hurley be put down as he did with Sawyer, it made his heroism even more satisfying. Ultimately The Others were foiled on the beach because Ben decided to leave his father to rot in that Dharma van so many years earlier. The only thing missing was “Shambala” blasting in the background. Then it would’ve been perfection.
In addition to running over Pryce, Hurley’s distraction allows Sayid to show off some of his Republican Guard skills with a neck break that I haven’t seen since the 5th season finale of “24”. Considering Sayid’s feelings towards the Others, a major reason why he stayed behind besides his military training, that must’ve been more cathartic than blowing up the tents the night before.
While the van action sequence was a fist-pumping victory, they’re quick to show us the other side with Sawyer gunning down an unarmed and surrendering Tom after the fight ended. While it was unfortunate to see Tom go, it shows just how dark Sawyer has become. It would be like one of The Others killing Hurley. Also Tom, along with nearly every other prominent Other, dying is a fitting part of the end of The Others’ central role in the season, along with Ben’s fall and Juliet’s deflection.
On that note, Locke throwing a machete through Naomi’s back was an unexpected move. If there is any fault I have with this episode is that Locke’s role is so much reduced compared to the first two season finales. However, considering this episode is jam packed with stuff that Locke making his way to the radio tower is an easy thing to omit.
He’s been treading along a dark path for some time now. His path to understanding the island has lead him on a path of destruction and manipulation. If he is really the heir apparent for Ben as great protector, this would be fitting. It does recall past experiences where he was told he wasn’t a killer. Where does he go from there?
Unfortunately the big confrontation between Locke and Jack plays out a little uneven. Locke didn’t intend to shoot Jack when he contacted the freighter (although after he impaled Naomi with the machete we certainly thought he could), but he somehow limps away without anyone stopping him. While it doesn’t work as well as other moments in the episode, this serves more to remind us of the central conflict among the survivors as “rescue” prepares to invade.
Since the people on Naomi’s freighter aren’t connected to Penny, their true identity is one of the major unanswered questions of the episode. Considering Naomi had a copy of Desmond’s picture and knew who he was, they must’ve had access to Penelope and the Portugese men who “found it” at the end of season two. It could be safe to guess Mr. Widmore, whose resources ultimately have funded Penelope’s search, would want to find the island. Tie in The Lost Experience (if you consider it cannon), and you know that Widmore was involved with Dharma and Alvar Hanso. Widmore could be searching for the island to claim what he thinks he deserves. Maybe he’s been using Desmond as a pawn in this scheme, since Widmore’s race around the world lead Desmond to the island.
The flash-forward reveal is the defining game changer of the season. Although eagle-eyed or DVR-owning viewers saw the newspaper’s date (not necessarily an indicator of time) or Jack owning a current cell phone, the time of the episode was left ambiguous. Jack’s father is mentioned as being alive & Sarah is still Jack’s emergency contact, both events could be before the crash. Not specifying time isn’t uncommon in flashbacks, but that’s more a reason of practicality and need to address the time.
There is also the question of Jack’s father, who Jack mentioned as if he was still alive at the hospital. Christian’s status has been in question since “White Rabbit”, where he appeared to Jack and his body was revealed to be missing from his casket, never seen since then. Despite theorizing, I think it boils down to Jack being so out of it that he fails to realize it, or correct himself.
Jack listening to Nirvana’s “Scentless Apprentice” could’ve placed this episode as early as 1993, when “In Utero was released” (although “Lost” isn’t one of those shows that would feature some song in a lazy way of saying “It’s 1993!”) Note about the song: “Something In the Way” would’ve been a better Nirvana song choice. However, it was likely scrapped for something harsher sounding to represent Jack’s nihilism. Like the first episode this season, I have a problem with a song choice. It’s just the music nerd in me.
The mysterious person in the coffin has been one of the most speculated pieces of this episode. His obituary served as the catalyst for Jack to want to kill himself and later to convince Kate that they needed to return to the island. Initially it seemed like a red herring: the person wasn’t important, so much as what it did to Jack. However that would be disappointing after all this time. It doesn’t seem likely that the person in the coffin is a major character we’ve already met. Even if they don’t make it to the final episode, spilling what happened to Locke, Ben or even Michael in advance would be an improper way to end an established character, unless they handled it like they did with Charlie.
The funeral scene doesn’t offer much help. It was held in a presumably bad neighborhood in possibly cheap funeral home. The person had no friends or family attend the funeral, nor did Jack consider the person either. This makes some believe that Michael, Locke or Ben may be that person. It applies most to Ben, who presumably has been on the island since he was a preteen and wouldn’t have contacts with the outside world outside of Mittelos and “Others” fronts. Despite the way their relationship ended, Helen would likely attend Locke’s funeral, and Michael’s life outside of Walt and Susan hasn’t been tackled.
Regardless, Jack feels responsible for the person’s death. With the action on the island, it’s safe to assume that Jack contacting the freighter set off a chain reaction that lead to his death. This makes me believe further that the person is on the freighter. Maybe that person sided with Jack and the survivors, leading the other freight crew to destroy that person’s life.
Jack’s attitude about returning to the island could indicate that some of the castaways are still there. As far as we know, Kate and Jack are the only ones who got back home. That could explain why he’s so depressed: he couldn’t help them and needs to if he’s to have any peace. Perhaps he didn’t help them and that’s made it worse. He might’ve made a deal with the devil to get off the island, one that included hiding the truth about what really happened to the survivors, as he tells Kate he’s sick of lying.
It makes sense that Kate would be reluctant. The people on the freighter likely have high connections that would make her criminal history disappear. Kate’s past didn’t become public knowledge until late in the first season, and even then only a few know much, so it’s unlikely her story was a major news story. Also, considering those closely invested in the case are dead, it’d be easy to sweep this under the rug.
Also part one alluded to the possibility that Kate is pregnant, which is likely considering she’s slept with Sawyer a few times this season and they likely haven’t had access to birth control. Kate would want off for the simple reason that she doesn’t want to die like the other pregnant women. She mentioned a “he” would be waiting for her. It could mean a male partner like Sawyer, or even a young boy, who’d be roughly 18 months old in the flash-forward.
In all the discussion I’ve read about the finale, one thing that hasn’t been asked is why the people on the freighter would chose to rescue only a few people and not everyone. Obviously this question is more for next season. Do they have something to gain, or are their hands tied where they have to show some survivors?
Cuse and Lindelof have clarified two things about the “Snake in the mailbox” twist. The flash-forward isn’t meant to be a possible future, but exactly what happens, so any discussion of Jack trying to avoid that future are now moot. It also isn’t the end of the story chronologically. It may be a stretch, but they could go as far as Aaron as an old man with flash-forwards.
This brings to question the current series’ progression. Is there going to be a massive jump on the island when Jack inevitably returns and if so, when will that be? How much of the interim will we see? It’s likely that the freighter is what takes Jack and Kate back to the mainland, but when will that happen? It doesn’t seem like that they would let a long stretch on “Lost” happen with Jack off the island, but after this twist, I’m not dismissing anything.
Unlike previous finales, there is no clear idea where the series will head in the fourth season. When the hatch door blew open, it made way for the second season’s exploration of the hatch, as did the kidnapping of the main three set up The Others story. Obviously the flash-forward device and those on the freighter will be major elements in the foreseeable future, but how will that play out?
Season three was a roller coaster ride both on and off screen. The “mini-season” left many ready to claim “Lost” as a show past its prime, especially with the hot new kid in town “Heroes” stealing its thunder. However, the spring run was absolutely amazing, with revelations and long awaited answers satisfyingly revealed, and this episode serves as the ultimate vindication for those who stayed faithful. This was easily the best episode I’ve seen in 2007. The producers promised that by the end of “Lost”, we’d know who the characters were, how they changed and where they would go from there, and judging by the first taste of flash-forwards, they weren’t kidding. When an episode delivers this many thrills, emotional moments, revelations, twists, turns and leaves you clueless as to where they’re going to go next, especially three seasons in, you can’t ask for anything more.
Overall Score: 10/10
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