Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Status Report - 8/29/06 - Trapped in a box with three hours of air.

Hey again, back at school, getting reacclimated. Emmys proved some usefulness despite some still questionable decisions (ie Ellen Burstyn's 14 second nomination). I'm thrilled 24 and Kiefer finally won, especially after a great season. Conan's opening skit and monologue were both great. He was a great fit. As to the controversy over the opening skit, I can understand people in Kentucky being upset, but I think they are overreacting. If this was immediately after 9/11, then it would be really inappropriate, but I think most people wouldn't have noticed if it wasn't for these people reacting to it. Anyway, on to my status report:

What I'm watching - Prison Break (back with a vengance!), trying to catch whichever episodes of Rescue Me I can, 30 Days, Colbert and Stewart. Giving Vanished a chance, but it kinda sucks. Maybe I'll check out Justice tomorrow to tide me over before Lost returns.

On DVD - Still Buffy S2. Along with Prison Break S1 and hopefully in the next few days Nip/Tuck and Arrested Development third season.

On Demand - Finished S3 of The Wire and I can't wait to see S4. Although a lot of it is over my head, I do love seeing the commentary on urban decay and political corruption. I probably won't be able to watch much else since this is at home and I'm way too poor to afford that kind of luxury here.

Reading - LFNY - (Close to 500/600) The late nineties, when Farrell, Shannon, Kattan, etc. were bringing some much needed life to it. I blew through a lot of this quickly since I knew I wouldn't be free as much this fall. This is a great piece of work.

Music - Nothing in particular. Just random stuff. I need a new "It" album or song pronto.

In a few weeks I'll be starting up my show, so there will be SCAN updates soon. Until next time, the remote is yours.


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