Sunday, February 12, 2006

Show notes: 3X3

Season 3, Episode 3: "I've Lost My Show"

Well wasn't that an interesting show last week? Adam, our former GM called up and totally derailed the show, but it was still fun. Usually when I get callers they are other members of SCAN who sneak out of the room. This one caught us all by surprise. Other than that we talked about the Super Bowl, including my vivid reenactment of the robot and lizard having sex. I've seen other shows, primarily podcasts, do this before, so here are the first ever show notes, with links to various things we discussed/featured.

1. Watch All the Super Bowl Ads
2. Prince Shreds on SNL
3. PLUM-TV (Nantucket Cable Access)
4. Dave Chappelle on Oprah
5. Wikipedia on Sweeps
6. Sample IMDB page, recently modified to better accomodate TV shows
7. DVD Pick of the week: Chappelle's Show on DVD (Season 1) (Season 2)


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